It had already made taking the stairs and throwing away garbage fun, by using new technologies in new ways ("The World's Deepest Bin" ["garbage can" for you Americans]; "The Piano Staircase"; and "The Bottle Bank Arcade Machine"). Doing so suggests that doing "bad" isn't in our genes, but in our world.
Regular-guy Kevin Richardson sent in an idea about how to make obeying the speed limit fun, which has become known as "The Speed Camera Lottery."
Rather than a grumpy visit from an officer and a ticket for speeding, a speed camera photographs cars that do not exceed the speed limit. All owners are entered into a periodic lottery, with winners earning cash awards.
The Swedish National Society for Road Safety actually made this innovative idea a reality in Stockholm, Sweden.
Regular-guy Kevin Richardson sent in an idea about how to make obeying the speed limit fun, which has become known as "The Speed Camera Lottery."
Rather than a grumpy visit from an officer and a ticket for speeding, a speed camera photographs cars that do not exceed the speed limit. All owners are entered into a periodic lottery, with winners earning cash awards.
The Swedish National Society for Road Safety actually made this innovative idea a reality in Stockholm, Sweden.