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Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Long Finger of a Friend

And we're not talking the middle one, either...
Have you always thought that texting to a friend or significant other that you're thinking about them was a bit cold?
As noted in Ad Freak, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners' GSP BETA Group has come up with a nice antidote to try to make this exchange of data a bit more human.
Once you and your friend or S.O. both download this nifty little app and entering a virtual room, when you both touch a spot on your phone, each phone vibrates.
Okay, so it's hardly a hand squeeze of support. :) But it shows some good thinking about how to bring the digital world in line (if only) a bit more to the human one. Hand squeezes, back slaps, etc. are ways that we try to give each other a little boost through the day. This makes it a remote activity but perhaps a less remote possibility.
While this is hardly a part of a campaign, it still represents some good really new media thinking by bringing the digital and the human just a bit closer together.

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